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Friday, April 16, 2010

Is Death More Taboo Than Sex?

It amazes me to think how far Western society has come in terms of medical advancement and technology.  Sometimes I question whether so much "advancement" is necessarily a good thing, but overall, there are a great deal of positives that come with our evolution in health and medical care.

Yet, for all the progress we have made, we're often unable to face the one very real and unavoidable fact that no medical advancement can prevent indefinitely.

We can't escape death and dying.  I don't care who you are or what you do, the end result for each and every one of us is the exact same thing.

Why then, are so many afraid to talk  or even think about the subject of death and dying?   This palliative care nurse believes that death has become more of a taboo topic than sex.   I am inclined to agree.

Is it that we think by avoiding the subject, we'll never have to deal with it?  If we run from death, we can escape it?  Deep down inside, we are all connected to one another because of this simple, democratizing truth:  we will all die someday.

(I'm full of sunshine, rainbows, and puppies today, aren't I?) :P

If we can start to recognize the ways that death binds us to all humanity, maybe we can overlook some of those trivial frustrations and annoyances that keep us from really appreciating the various people who make their way into our daily rounds.   More importantly, if we break the taboo grounds that seem to underlie conversations about aging, death and dying, we can live in a world that's just a little more peaceful.

Acceptance instead of struggling.  Embracing rather than avoiding.  Looking toward the inevitable (and unknown) with a sense of tranquility as opposed to distress.


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