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Friday, April 23, 2010

ElderNews You Can Use (4-24-10)

ElderNews is a semi-weekly round up of links around the web that touch on topics of aging, death/dying and health care.

  • Cognitive stimulation therapy helping dementia patients in the UK.    In the facility where I work, the recreation department has a daily structured program in place that is very similar to this concept for our more severely cognitively impaired residents.  I can tell you the program  does seem to aid in reducing agitation and some other dementia-related behaviors.  It would be interesting to gauge as to whether or not CST has any effects on improving our resident's overall cognitive capacity.

  • How the Class Act is seeking to set up a Class Program to assist caregivers in managing their loved one's care at home.  While every bit of financial assistance is a wonderful thing, I would suggest a minimum cash benefit of $100 a day for those with more skilled care needs.   It already costs around $300 per day to reside in a long term care facility, so that would still be a huge savings.

  • I love the insights, tips and glimpses into the world of Alzheimer's Speaks.  This blog is a beautiful narrative depicting the love a daughter has for her mother who has AD and resides in a nursing facility.  Her post about the "surprises" one can encounter when loving and caring for an Alzheimer's individual is truly touching.

  • Only about 30% of adults create an Advance Directive.  Doctor's need to step it up and encourage more of their patient's to name health care agents and outline their health care wishes before a catastrophic medical event occurs.   More importantly, Advance Directives should be drawn up before an elderly loved one is no longer able to articulate his or her wishes.

  • The American Geriatric Society Foundation for Health & Aging lists tips to ensure caregivers find good long term care placement for their loved ones.


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